FCPF Property Boundary

Wetland Ecological Systems

Emergent Marsh
Forested Wetland
Scrub Shrub
Wet Meadow
Open Water

Non-Agricultural Upland Areas

Boulder Creek

Boulder Creek 100' Buffer

100 m
200 ft
Boulder County Parks and Open Space, City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks | Boulder County Parks and Open Space | City of Boulder, OSMP
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The Fort Chambers / Poor Farm property is in the natural floodplain of Boulder Creek, with approximately 48 acres of wetlands and open water. These wetlands are supported, in part, by irrigation water draining off the adjacent agricultural fields. Wetlands and riparian forests enhance water quality, collect flood waters and provide valuable habitat for a variety of wildlife and breeding birds, including neotropical migrants which breed in the region and then migrate to Central and/or South American for the winter. Because wetlands support both aquatic and terrestrial plant and animal species, they contain a disproportionately high level of biodiversity relative to other ecosystems. The following pages provide a description of the mapped wetland types and associated classifications.


Use the arrows below to learn more about the types of wetlands on this property.