Applications and Interactions

This is a collection of the applications and interactions contained throughout the website. It includes ways to interact with the data (Projections and Paleohydrology), interactive narratives highlighting several projects (Storymaps), and short introductory explanations of select topics (Background Information).

Each application you launch from this page will open in a new tab.

Projections and Paleohydrology

Projected Changes to Drought Duration

Droughts historically last an average of 1 to 4 years. In the future, these conditions are projected to last longer. This dashboard allows you to compare the historical period with future projections and filter by basin or state.

Projected Changes to Drought Severity

In the future, droughts are projected to become more severe in portions of the West. This dashboard allows you to compare the historical period with future projections and filter by basin or state.

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Projected Changes to Precipitation

Variable changes to precipitation are projected across the West. This dashboard allows you to compare projections and filter by basin or state.

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Drought Frequency Explorer

Droughts are projected to become more frequent as temperatures increase and precipitation decreases across many parts of the West. Explore the changes to drought frequency and drought return period using two example drought events.

Estimating Open Water Evaporation

Interactive narrative addressing the locations and instrumentation used to estimate open water evaporation.

Water Supply Reliability Examples

Interactive narrative providing an explanation of storage capacity and examples across the West.

Sidney Water Users

Interactive narrative highlighting the Sidney water users project in Montana.


Interactive narrative highlighting efficiencies created by the usage of the hydropower optimization system (hydrOS).

Cle Elum Pool Raise & Fish Passage

Interactive narrative addressing the additional storage from the pool raise and the benefits of the helix fish passage.

Washita Pilot Study

Interactive narrative highlighting the efforts to analyze water availability over a longer term to help manage risk.

Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project

Interactive narrative exploring some details and locations for this project.

Background Information

Basin Reports and Factsheets

This map provides direct links to the 2021 Basin Reports and Factsheets.

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Changing Conditions and Impacts

You can navigate an overview of the impacts to Reclamations operations due to changes in conditions across the West.

Paleohydrology Explained

A quick introduction to paleohydrology that includes a basic definition, as well as why and how it is being used in this report.

Drought Definitions and Characteristics

A quick introduction to drought definitions and the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) as well as the relationship between duration, severity, and inter-arrival time.