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Elections and Polling

Exercise your right!

Every eligible voter deserves a say in who governs them and how.

If you need this information in another language or format or disability accommodations, email access@brooklynpark.org or call 763-424-8000.

Si usted necesita esta información en español llame 763-424-8000.

Yog xav tau kev pab, thov hu rau 763-424-8000 lawv mam li nrhiav ib tus neeg txhais lus rau koj.

Search for your address to find your polling place & election day details!

Start typing your address and then select the autocomplete result to search.

You can also look up your polling place on the MN Voter Information Portal.

Hands holding ballots for a ballot box
Brooklyn Park City Council Chambers

Who's my council member?

The City Council is the legislative and policy body for the City, charged with providing overall leadership for the City by enacting laws and allocating City resources for programs, services, and activities.

Learn more about the City Council >

More Resources

Find additional information on voting in Minnesota, registering to vote, voting accessibility, and who your legislators are.

Voting in elections is one of the most important rights and responsibilities that U.S. citizens have.

Voting gives you a chance to choose leaders and representatives who will do things that are important to you.

How to make a difference in the election process:

  • Play a role in choosing our leaders and changing our laws by voting.
  • Learn about the candidates and issues before you vote in any election.
  • Know what’s going on in your country and community.
  • Contact public officials about issues that are important to you.
  • Respect your right to vote! Many people in the world don’t have the right to vote.