Community Disaster Resilience Zones
Community Disaster Resilience Zones aim to build and strengthen community resilience across the nation by driving federal, state, public, and private resources to the most at-risk and in-need communities.
The Community Disaster Resilience Zones Act uses FEMA’s National Risk Index to identify the most at-risk and in-need communities to identify resilience zones. Designated zones will be prioritized for targeted support, such as increased cost-share for federal resilience and mitigation projects, lessening the financial burden on communities to perform resilience-related activities.
In September 2023, FEMA announced the first 483 CDRZ in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In November 2024 and early 2025, 231 tracts were designated on Tribal Nation lands and 112 in territories.
Find out if you are in a Community Disaster Resilience Zone
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Community Disaster Resilience Zones
Learn more about the Community Disaster Resilience Zones Act.
Explore the landscape of natural hazard risk with the National Risk Index.
Identify infrastructure or demographics may be driving local risk.
Analyze resilience actions to local infrastructure and building data.
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