eGIS - Demography

Internal Services Department, GIS Section - Demography is providing following services to customers:

The eGIS Demography performs demographic research and analysis, and provides county authoritative demographic data including decennial census data, American Community Survey (ACS) data, and split tract and block group data; and provides customized demographic data and GIS solutions to eGIS member departments and public.

GIS Services:

Custom GIS data, custom maps, spatial analysis and online interactive maps/apps.

Demographic Analysis and Data:

County demographic authoritative data creation/customization including decennial census data, American Community Survey (ACS) data; and split tract and block group data for eGIS members.

Geocoding Services:

Batch geocoding and false matching.

Census Program Support:

Participate/perform different census programs including Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS), Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) and Participant Statistical Area Program (PSAP).

Record Matching:

Address matching and identity matching for various projects including revenue recovery, jury services, Women, Infants and Children.


Active involvement in 2021 and 2011 LA County Supervisorial District Redistricting process.

Population and Poverty Analysis

Population Changed from 2010 to 2020 and Poverty Rate of 2010 and 2020 and

Population and Poverty Dashboards by City and Community

These Dashboards shows population and poverty rate by city and community in three decennial censuses 2000, 2010 and 2020.

Please click on the Dashboard image for interactive Dashboard.

Major Census Programs

Los Angeles County, Internal Services Department, GIS Section actively involved in 2020 Census Programs in collaboration with CEO.

Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS):

Legally accurate geography is crucial for census tabulation. LA County is providing legal cities and county boundary updates to Census Bureau each year through Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) program. LA County compared the Census Bureau’s city boundary data against LA County city boundary and submitted boundary changes to the Census Bureau to update their city boundary data. Similarly, the County boundary data also updated. As a result, many cities and LA country boundary got updated.

Boundary Validation Program (BVP):

Census Bureau also offers local government to review and update their legal jurisdictional boundaries through Boundary Validation Program (BVP) every 10 years. LA County helped many cities to update and report their city boundary in 2019 for 2020 census.  

Local Update of Census Address (LUCA) Program:

Census Bureau offered Local Update of Census Address (LUCA) Program to local governments (Counties, Cities) to review and comment on the Census Bureau’s residential address list for their jurisdiction prior to the Census 2020. LA County in collaboration with cities in LA County review Census Bureau addresses and provided updated address data to Census Bureau to update their addresses list. It helps to update Census Bureau’s address data in order to carried out 2020 Census accurately.

Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP):

Census Bureau provided opportunity prior to the 2020 Census to local government to review and update the statistical areas through Participant Statistical Area Program (PSAP). Los Angeles County had reviewed and submitted updated boundaries of statistical areas such as Block Groups, Census Tracts, Census Designated Places (CDPs) to Census Bureau in 2018-2020.

[Click the map to navigate into LA County Census site]

Census Low Response Score and Census Designated Places

Low Response Score (LRS) Predicted for 2020 Census:

The Low Response Score (Hard-To-Survey scores) are highly correlated (negatively) with census and survey participation. Based on post-processing of Low Response Scores (LRS) in LA County, “Poverty” is the most important component affecting LRS.

[Click the map on the left to navigate into the viewer]

2020 Census Designated Places:

For the purposes of gathering and correlating statistical data, Census Designated Places (CDPs) are the statistical counterparts of incorporated places, and are delineated to provide data for settled concentrations of population that are identifiable by name but are not legally incorporated under the laws of the state in which they are located. Los Angeles County updated the boundaries of Avocado Heights CDP, East San Gabriel CDP and Willowbrook CDP for 2020 Census.

[Click the map on the right to navigate into Census Designated Places viewer]

Census 2020 Self-Response Rate and Demographic Characteristics

The 2020 Census allows people to self-respond in three ways: online, by phone, or by mail. The 2020 Census self-response rates are self-response rates for current census geographies. These rates are the daily and cumulative self-response rates for all housing units that received invitations to self-respond to the 2020 Census. The 2020 Census self-response rates are available for states, counties, census tracts, congressional districts, towns and townships, consolidated cities, incorporated places, tribal areas, and tribal census tracts.

The Self-Response Rate of Los Angeles County is 65.1% for 2020 Census, which is slightly lower than 69.6% of California State rate.

This web application shows LA County Census SRR with different demographic characteristics.

[Click the map on the left to navigate into Census 2020 Self-Response Rate map with demographic characteristics]

Supervisorial Districts - 2021 Redistricting

LA County Redistricting

Every 10 years the boundaries of Los Angeles County's Supervisorial Districts shall be adjusted/redrawn. Los Angeles County, Internal Services Department (ISD) provided support to The Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC) 2021 to adjust/redraw LA County Supervisorial Districts. The purpose of redistricting is to adjust reasonably equal in population, geographically contiguous, and the boundaries shall take into account the topography, geography, cohesiveness, contiguity, integrity, compactness of territory, and community of interest of the Supervisorial Districts.

The major changes in the Supervisorial District boundaries in 2021 redistricting are highlighted in the map.

Los Angeles County, Internal Services

Department (ISD) also actively involved in 2011 redistricting process in collaboration with Board Deputies, Chief Executive Office (CEO) and Geographic Information Officer (GIO).

[Click the map to navigate into 2021 Redistricting site

Contact Us!

Victor Chen - and/or or

Phone: 562-955-4108

9150 Imperial Hwy, Mail Stop #16, Downey, CA 90242