The chart below outlines the various variables/inputs used in each index. Variables are listed in the same row to denote that they are similar; this does not imply that the variables are identical.
More information on these variables can be found on the various index detail pages.
*The FEMA National Risk Index (NRI) contains both CDC SVI and BRIC as variables. Therefore, the table below lists both CDC SVI and BRIC variables in the NRI column.
% Persons 65 years of age and older
% Persons under 5 years or 65 years and over
% Population age 65 and older
Pre-retirement age: % Population between 15 to 65 years of age
% Persons 65 years of age and older
Pre-retirement age: % Population between 15 to 65 years of age
% Persons 17 years of age or younger
% Persons 17 years of age or younger
Median age
% Minority
% Minority
% Asian population
% African American population
% Hispanic population
% Native American population
Nursing Home Residents per capita
% Persons in group quarters
% Persons in group quarters
% Persons civilian with a disability
% Population with a disability
Non-special needs: % Population without sensory, physical, or mental disability
% Persons civilian with a disability
Non-special needs: % Population without sensory, physical, or mental disability
Place attachment-not recent immigrants: % Population not foreign-born persons who came to US within previous 5 years
Place attachment-not recent immigrants: % Population not foreign-born persons who came to US within previous 5 years
Place attachment-native born
residents: % Population born in state of current residence
Place attachment-native born
residents: % Population born in state of current residence
% Households with limited English proficiency
% Population speaking English as a second language with limited English proficiency
% Households with limited English proficiency
English language competency: % Population proficient English speakers
% Households with limited English proficiency
English language competency: % Population proficient English speakers
% Persons with no high school diploma
% Population with less than a 12th grade education
Educational attainment: % Population without a High School diploma
Educational attainment equality: % Population over 25 with college education or more
% Persons with no high school diploma
Educational attainment equality: % Population over 25 with college education or more
Per capita income
Per capita income
Per capita income
Median household Income
Income inequality: Gini Index
Race/ethnicity income equality: Gini coefficient (Inverted)
Race/ethnicity income equality: Gini coefficient (Inverted)
% Persons living below 150% poverty
% Persons living in poverty
% Persons living in poverty
% Persons living below 150% poverty
% of Households spending more than 40% of their income on housing expenses (tract level only)
Gender income equality: Absolute difference between male and female median income divided by annual income (Inverted)
Gender income equality: Absolute difference between male and female median income divided by annual income (Inverted)
% Families earning more than $200,000 per year
% Families earning more than $200,000 per year
Energy Burden: Average Energy Burden (% income), (Inverted)
Energy Burden: Average Energy Burden (% income), (Inverted)
% Households receiving Social Security benefits
Household Composition
% Male or female householder, no spouse present, with children under 18
% Single-parent households as a function of all families
% Male or female householder, no spouse present, with children under 18
% Children living in 2-parent families
Crowding (at household level, more people than rooms)
Average number of people per housing unit
Crowding (at household level, more people than rooms)
% Female
% Female-headed households
% Renter-occupied housing units
Home ownership: % Owner- occupied housing units
Home ownership: % Owner- occupied housing units
Home Ownership: % Owner- occupied housing units
% Multi-unit structures
% Multi-unit structures
Median gross rent
Median housing value
% Mobile homes
% Mobile Homes
Mobile Homes: % Mobile homes as a function of total housing
Sturdier housing types: % Housing units not mobile homes
% Mobile homes
Sturdier housing types: % Housing units not mobile homes
% Unoccupied housing units
Temporary housing availability: % Vacant housing units that are for rent
Temporary housing availability: % Vacant housing units that are for rent
Housing stock construction quality: % Housing units built prior to 1970 or after 2000
Housing stock construction quality: % Housing units built prior to 1970 or after 2000
Households without a smart phone
% Civilian labor force unemployed
% Civilian labor force unemployed
% Civilian labor force unemployed
% Civilian labor force unemployed
Employment rate: % Labor force employed
Employment rate:% Labor force employed
% Employment in extractive industries (fishing, farming, mining, etc.)
Non-dependence on primary/tourism sectors: % Employees not in farming, fishing, forestry, extractive industry, or tourism
Non-dependence on primary/tourism sectors: % Employees not in farming, fishing, forestry, extractive industry, or tourism
% Female participation in the labor force
% Unemployed women in the labor force
% Employment in service occupations
Federal employment: % Labor force employed by federal government
Federal employment: % Labor force employed by federal government
No vehicle available
% Housing units with no car available
Mobility: % Households without a vehicle
No vehicle available
Transportation Access: % Households with at least one vehicle
Transportation Access: % Households with at least one vehicle
Evacuation routes: Intersection density
Evacuation routes: Intersection density
Industrial re-supply potential: Rail miles per square mile
Industrial re-supply potential: Rail miles per square mile
Presence of Civic and Social Organizations
Civic Organizations: # Civic organizations per capita
Civic Organizations: # Civic organizations per capita
Population without Religious Affiliation
Religious Organizations: # Religious organizations per capita
Religious Organizations: # Religious organizations per capita
Disaster Volunteerism: # AmeriCorps volunteers per capita
Disaster Volunteerism: # AmeriCorps volunteers per capita
% of Inactive Voters (defined differently by state)
Temporary shelter availability: # Hotels/motels per capita
Temporary shelter availability: # Hotels/motels per capita
% Population change
Population change over previous 5-year period (Inverted)
Population change over previous 5-year period (Inverted)
Large retail-regional/national geographic distribution: Large retail stores per capita
Large retail-regional/national geographic distribution: Large retail stores per capita
Business size 1: Ratio of large to small businesses
Business size 1: Ratio of large to small businesses
Business size 2: Ratio of employees to establishments
Business size 2: Ratio of employees to establishments
School restoration potential: # Public schools per capita
School restoration potential: # Public schools per capita
% Population without health insurance
% Population without health insurance
Health insurance: % Population under age 65 with health insurance
Health insurance: % Population under age 65 with health insurance
Mental health support: Psychosocial support facilities per capita
Mental health support: Psychosocial support facilities per capita
Medical professional capacity: Number of health-diagnosing and treating practitioners per 1,000 population
Physician access: Physicians per capita
Physician access: Physicians per capita
Medical care capacity: # Hospital beds per capita
Medical care capacity: # Hospital beds per capita
% Hospitals per capita
Hospital capacity: Number of hospitals per 10,000 people
Food provisioning capacity: Food security rate (Inverted)
Food provisioning capacity: Food security rate (Inverted)
Local food suppliers: Farms marketing products through Community Supported Agriculture per capita
Local food suppliers: Farms marketing products through Community Supported Agriculture per capita
Mitigation spending: 10-year average per capita spending for mitigation projects
Mitigation spending: 10-year average per capita spending for mitigation projects
Communication capacity: % Households with telephone service available
Communication capacity: % Households with telephone service available
High-speed internet infrastructure: % Population with access to broadband internet service
High-speed internet infrastructure: % Population with access to broadband internet service
Flood insurance coverage: % Housing units covered by National Flood Insurance Program
Flood insurance coverage: % Housing units covered by National Flood Insurance Program
Performance regimes-state capital: Distance from county seat to state capital (Inverted)
Performance regimes-state capital: Distance from county seat to state capital (Inverted)
Performance regimes-nearest metro area: Distance from county seat to nearest county seat within a Metropolitan Statistical Area (Inverted)
Performance regimes-nearest metro area: Distance from county seat to nearest county seat within a Metropolitan Statistical Area (Inverted)
Political and jurisdictional fragmentation: # Governments and special districts per 10,000 persons (Inverted)
Political and jurisdictional fragmentation: # Governments and special districts per 10,000 persons (Inverted)
Political engagement: % Voting age population participating in recent election
Political engagement: % Voting age population participating in recent election
Disaster aid experience: # Presidential Disaster Declarations divided by # of loss-causing hazard events for 10-year period
Disaster aid experience: # Presidential Disaster Declarations divided by # of loss-causing hazard events for 10-year period
Local disaster training: % Population in communities covered by Citizen Corps programs
Local disaster training: % Population in communities covered by Citizen Corps programs
Nuclear plant accident planning: % Population within 10 miles of nuclear power plant
Nuclear plant accident planning: % Population within 10 miles of nuclear power plant
Crop insurance coverage: # Crop insurance policies per square mile
Crop insurance coverage: # Crop insurance policies per square mile
Natural flood buffers: % Land in wetlands
Natural flood buffers: % Land in wetlands
Efficient energy use: Megawatt hours per energy consumer (Inverted)
Efficient energy use: Megawatt hours per energy consumer (Inverted)
Pervious surfaces: Average percent perviousness
Pervious surfaces: Average percent perviousness
Efficient water use: Water Supply Stress Index (Inverted)
Efficient water use: Water Supply Stress Index (Inverted)
National Alliance for Public Safety GIS Foundation