Resilience Analysis & Planning Tool
RAPT gives everyone easy access to critical community data and analysis tools
DATA INFORMATION AND DISCLAIMERS Some data may be subject to copyright in the United States and other countries. Please see the data layer’s item details page for terms of use of the data. FEMA provides the Geospatial Resource Center to facilitate information sharing between governmental, non-governmental entities and the public. However, in accordance with data use agreements and in consideration of privacy and confidentiality, some data may not be publicly available to prevent the release of protected health information (PHI), personally identifiable information (PII), or other sensitive information. In addition, all of our partners who provide data to the site are responsible for their own data’s integrity. Please see FEMA's Privacy Policy | for more details.
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Welcome to the (Future) Resilience Analysis & Planning Tool (RAPT), a GIS planning tool to inform strategies for emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. The maps and related data points in RAPT are drawn from the U.S. Census, the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data, and other sources. By using RAPT, the user acknowledges that this data may change when source data are updated.